Nandosgirl’s Weblog

I hate hate hate (I really do) most facebook apps and they annoy the hell out of me. I have adjusted my settings so I don’t see them or I have blocked the most persistent friends who send me apps. I have stopped receiving notifications of any kind to tell me that someone has hugged me online (as they makes up for them not being here in person…) or asked me to feed their canary or pet their dog or sing them a song.

But at the end of the year, this is an interesting app where they put together a mix of your facebook statuses from 2009 and put it in a fancy background. I did it, as I was bored and I am spending another evening snowed in with my lovely family who are also computer addicts so it’s a very quiet household right now 🙂 (I need to justify the actions of using facebook apps somehow!)

Admittedly 2009 has had its ups and downs but the statuses I feel – sum up the fact that I have great family, friends and food to help make this year another interesting year.

Hmm Cherry Garcia 🙂

I wonder what my 2010 list will say 🙂

et cetera